Built For Trucking

Book Better Loads
With AI

The AI Powered Freight Assistant That Helps You
Find The Best Loads From Truckstop, DAT, & 123 Loadboard.

Built For Trucking

Book Better Loads With AI

The AI Powered Freight Assistant That Helps You Find The Best Loads From Truckstop, DAT, & 123 Loadboard.


Darius L.

I consider myself a fairly talented dispatcher with solid work ethic.  I work solo booking 10 trucks using premium version's of DAT & Truckstop.  The very first week Using Dispatch Robot I saw a 20% increase of loads booked with a 37% increase in revenue. LET THAT SINK IN! Click to call and Click to email alone will increase your response time to Super Gamer levels. I can only describe the product as  "AWESOME SAUCE FOR DISPATCH"

Isahakh M.

Being a dispatcher it's pretty difficult trying to calculate numbers and plan routes, do paperwork etc. When you have multiple trucks it becomes even harder not to mention. Before I found out about  Dispatch Robot I was struggling because with the time it took to look on the loadboards and determine if a load was good, I already missed out on a lot of other actual good loads which caused my client to be unhappy and have to potentially settle for a bad one. But ever since I started using Dispatch Robot it literally does most of the dispatching tasks for me which saved me so much time so that I can focus on booking the ACTUAL good freight as fast as possible.

James G.

If you are looking for something that gives an edge to you as dispatcher this is it Dispatch Robot has numerous features that make it really helpful and I can't see myself going back. Highly recommend it!!

Sam T.

This is the most useful tool that I use to boost productivity. It offsets the need to hire more dispatchers since it lets me do things 10x faster by myself. It is packed with useful features and the developer seems to add new functionality on a regular basis. It is a game changer!

Muhammad N.

It's Amazing and really helpful love it.


Darius L.

The very first week Using Dispatch Robot I saw a 20% increase of loads booked with a 37% increase in revenue. LET THAT SINK IN!

Isahakh M.

Before I found out about  Dispatch Robot I was struggling because with the time it took to look on the loadboards and determine if a load was good, I already missed out on a lot of other actual good loads which caused my client to be unhappy and have to potentially settle for a bad one.

James G.

If you are looking for something that gives an edge to you as dispatcher this is it Dispatch Robot has numerous features that make it really helpful and I can't see myself going back. Highly recommend it!!

Sam T.

This is the most useful tool that I use to boost productivity. It offsets the need to hire more dispatchers since it lets me do things 10x faster by myself. It is packed with useful features and the developer seems to add new functionality on a regular basis. It is a game changer!

Muhammad N.

It's Amazing and really helpful love it.


How It Works

Dispatch Robot AI watches the load board so you don't have to. Never miss a good load.



How It Works

Dispatch Robot AI watches the load board so you don't have to. Never miss a good load again.


Built For Trucking

As former fleet owners we realized the way we book freight needed to change. With the latest advancements in artificial intelligence we really think now is the time to take your fleet to the next level.

AI + Freight

Dispatch Robot will help you book more freight or it's free.

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The browser extension that makes booking better freight for your trucks faster and easier.

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